
In Soviet times, economic development indicators were compared with 1913. And it was justified, since it was the last peaceful year before the First World War, which became the highest frontier in the centuries-old history of the Russian Empire.

The restaurant “1913” got its name in honor of that very 1913 - the time of the highest take-off of pre-revolutionary Russia, which affected all the most important aspects of the country's life.

Since 1994, the restaurant “1913” has been pampering its guests with traditional Russian dishes. In addition, the menu contains familiar and beloved European dishes.

The rich experience of cooking and the limitless imagination of our chefs will help you to fully immerse yourself in the world of Russian cuisine, and the high-quality and attentive service of our staff will ensure a comfortable feast.

We expand the boundaries of our capabilities and offer you to evaluate our cuisine not only in the restaurant hall, but also beyond. Using the new service “RESTAURANT ON DEPARTURE”, you can easily note a significant event for you in any conditions, be it a trip to nature, a boat trip or a celebration in the palace.

It's no secret that the atmosphere of the place makes the event unforgettable. Managers of the restaurant “1913” are ready to help with the selection and design of the site, taking into account your event.

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